A 23 year old male patient, non smoker, shop keeper by profession
presented to the Ear Nose Throat Out Patient Department with
complaints of painless swelling in the upper part of the left side
of neck. The patient did not have a cough, change of voice ,
difficulty in swallowing or difficulty in breathing. The patient
had a history of surgery in the neck eight years ago for similar
complaints, following which he was symptom free. The swelling
reappeared after six years and has gradually increased in size over
the past two years.
On examination the patient had a diffuse, non tender, cystic
swelling in the upper part of the neck on the left side. The
swelling was approximately 4cm x 3cm in size and extended
below the lower border of the mandible to the level of the lower
border of the thyroid cartilage in the anterior triangle, (Fig. 1).
The swelling was compressible and increased in size when the
patient performed the Valsalva manoeuvre and on coughing. The
skin below the swelling showed the scar from the previous surgery.
Fiber optic Laryngoscopy revealed a mild bulge at the
level of the left false cord. The rest of the larynx and vocal cords
were normal. Antero posterior soft tissue neck X-ray showed a
large air filled sac in the left side of the neck, (Fig. 2). The sac was
shown to be connected to the airway by a small stalk. The internal
component on the right side could also be clearly visualized.
Computed Tomography Scan of the neck showed the presence of the Laryngocele as a well defined, smooth, air filled sac in the superior paralaryngeal space, (Fig. 3). The connection between the air sac and the airway helped to establish the diagnosis. The patient had a mixed Laryngocele on both sides with a large extralaryngeal component on the left side and a small extralaryngeal componenton the right side
After the diagnosis was confirmed, the patient was taken
for surgical excision of the laryngocele for cosmetic reasons.
Excision was performed under general anaesthesia. The lesion was
approached via a skin crease incision over the swelling.
Subplatysmal skin flaps were developed and the fundus of the
laryngocele was freed by a sharp dissection, (Figs. 4,5).
The neck of the laryngocele was followed down through the
thyrohyoid membrane. Special care was taken to avoid injury
to the Superior Laryngeal Nerve. Upon reaching the laryngeal
mucosa, the neck of the laryngocele was ligated and divided.
The small laryngocele on the opposite side was not excised as the
patient did not have any symptoms on the right side. The wound
was then closed in layers.
The post operative period was uneventful and sutures were
removed on the seventh post operative day. The patient has
been on follow up at the OPD after surgery. The patient was
asymptomatic with no recurrence of the swelling.
Laryngocele has a male to female ratio of 5:1 with peak incidence
in the sixth decade.
Three types of laryngocele have been described.
1. Internal: When the laryngocele is confined to the interior
of the larynx and extends posterosuperiorly into the false
cord and the ary epiglottic fold. It appears on laryngoscopy as a
smooth swelling in the supraglottis.
2 . Externa: When the laryngocele extends superiorly and appears
laterally in the neck through an opening in the Thyrohyoid
membrane. It clinically presents as a swelling in the neck at the
level of the hyoid bone anterior to the Sternomastoid muscle.
3. Combined: When there is simultaneous existence of both
The laryngocele is bilateral in one third of cases.1 Congenitally,
the laryngeal saccule is remnant corresponding to the lateral
laryngeal air sacs of the higher anthropoid apes which may
on occasion be manifest suddenly in response to increase in
intralaryngeal pressure. An acquired laryngocele may develop
due to any factor which increases the intra glottic pressure
such as coughing, straining, playing wind instruments or glass
blowing.1,2,5 Another aetiology may be air trapping due to ball
valve closure of the neck of the saccule, allowing the entry of
air into the saccule, but preventing its Egress.5 This can occur
from inflammatory or neoplastic process in the ventricle or
false cord. The incidence of laryngocele in patients with laryngeal
cancer has been estimated to be around 10% (ranging from 4.9 -
54%) and so it is important to rule out malignancy in all patients
with laryngocele.6
Most patients are asymptomatic. Patients with external
laryngocele may present with a swelling on one or both sides
of the neck. The swelling is usually compressible and increases in size on perfirming the Valsalva manoeuvre. Other patients may
present with cough, change of voice, stridor or sore throat.
Hence, others may present with major complications such
as pyocele or acute airway obstruction. The diagnosis can be
reached using any of the following modalities:
1. Fibre optic laryngoscopy shows a smooth swelling in the
supraglottis, usually at the level of the false cord.
2. Soft tissue neck X-ray shows a well defined, round or oval
radiolucent area in the paralaryngeal soft tissues. Films taken
in the antero posterior position are more useful than lateral
films in outlining the laryngocele. In the lateral position, a small
laryngocele may be superimposed on the normal laryngeal
shadow and may be overlooked.
3. Computerised Tomography scan shows a well defined, smooth,
air filled sac in the lateral aspect of the superior paralaryngeal
space. The connection between the air sac and the airway helps
to establish the diagnosis. CT scan provides a non invasive
and effective radiological investigation of the larynx. It can be
performed with minimal risks even in the presence of respiratory
obstruction and shows the laryngeal cartilages and structures at
the glottis level well.
4. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Nowadays, MRI has become the
investigation tool of choice in showing the laryngocele because of
its better superior soft tissue resolution.
The differential diagnosis mainly includes any cystic
swelling in the upper part of the neck like branchial cyst,
submandibular salivary gland duct cyst, cystic hygroma, saccular
cyst, mucous retention cyst, thyroglossal duct cyst and neck
swellings which increase in size on valsalva manoeuvre like
Jugular vein phlebectasia. A saccular cyst should also be kept in
mind when an internal layngocele is diagnosed. A pharyngocele
also presents as a cystic swelling in the upper part of the neck.
Asymptomatic lesions found incidentally can be managed
conservatively. Absolute indications for excision include symptomatic combined laryngocele and suspicion of malignancy.5
Cosmetic concern is a relative indication for excision. Excision
can either be through an endoscopic approach using a CO2 laser
for internal laryngocele or via an external approach for external
laryngoceles. The external cervical approach allows good exposure
of the lesion with minimal functional disability. Removal of a
triangular wedge of thyroid lamina provides wide exposure to the
paraglottic space, thus helping in the internal dissection of the
The diagnosis of Laryngocele should be kept in mind in cases of
upper neck swelling. Radiological investigations such as Soft
tissue neck and CT Scans help to confirm the diagnosis. Direct
Laryngoscopy is essential to rule out malignancy before surgical
excision of the laryngocele.