This is a retrospective analysis conducted on all the babies admitted in the
Special care baby unit from January 1997 to December 2000. In all babies with
suspected clinical sepsis, blood culture was collected in Oxoid Signal Blood
Culture BC0102M bottles. This was incubated in the laboratory at 37 degrees
Celsius and then plated at 24 hours, subcultured at 48 hours and on the 7th day
for growth of organisms. The data regarding the growth of organisms in blood
culture was collected and analyzed. The total number of babies admitted to the
unit with positive blood cultures was compared over the four year period. Also,
the types of organisms and the mortality directly due to fulminant septicemia
was analyzed.
The analysis performed for the pattern of bloodborne sepsis in the Special care
baby unit at Khoula Hospital from the year 1997 to 2000 revealed changing
patterns of organisms.
Out of the total 2181 admissions over the 4 year period, 71 (3.25%) babies had
positive blood cultures. The mortality rate due to fulminant bactermia was
observed in 3 (0.13%) of all admissions and this was in the year 1997 and 1998.
No baby died due to fulminant bactermia during 1999-2000, (Table 1). The various
organisms detected included Group B
Staphylococcus epidermidis , Group D
Acinetobacter, Klebsiella and MRSA. (Table 2)
Group B Streptococcus was the predominant organism isolated in 20
(28%) of cases followed by Staphylococcus epidermidis in 19 (26.7%), Group D
Enterococcus in 9 (12.6%), and E.Coli was identified in 7 (9.8%) cases. Other
organisms such as Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter and Klebsiella constituted a small
proportion of cases. (Table 3)
The findings suggested changing patterns of organisms in the unit over the
period of 4 years. With increased awareness and administration of prophylactic
antibiotics in all mothers with Group B Streptococccus, the incidence of GBS
sepsis in newborns has also declined over the last 4 years.
A total of 15 (34%) babies had positive blood culture for GBS in 1997-1998 as
compared to only 5 (17.8%) babies during the year 1999-2000.
There was an increasing incidence of CONS (Staphyloccous epidermidis) which
constituted 9 (20%) cases in 1997-1998 as compared to 10 (35%) cases in
1999-2000. This is mainly attributed to the policy since the year 1999 of
ventilation and care of extreme preterm babies of less than 1 kg in weight.
These babies need prolonged hospitalization and more invasive procedures and are
thus more prone to nosocomial infections mainly CONS sepsis. (Table 3)
Other organisms constituted 19 (46%) in 1997-1998 and 13 (47.2%) in 1999-2000,
suggesting an insignificant difference in their pattern over the last four
years. (Table 4)
Due the implementation of strict handwashing and infection control programs
implemented in SCBU only 1 (1.4%) case of MRSA was observed during this period.
Special care baby unit babies are at high risk for bloodstream
infections because of their prematurity, prolonged hospitalization and frequent
invasive procedures. The incidence of blood stream infection in various units
varies between 4-32%. 3.25% of positive blood cultures were noted in the unit.6
The two most common
bacterial pathogens in term infants in first 28 days of life were Group B Streptococcus and E.Coli which constitute 70% of systemic neonatal bacterial disease.7
These may be acquired from the mother during the intrapartum period or
nosocomial acquisition. The analysis of positive blood cultures which included
both preterm and term babies admitted to the unit showed that Group B
Streptococcus and E.Coli accounted for 27 (38%) of
Throughout the years, there
has been a shift in the microorganism responsible for neonatal septicemia. This
has been shown in the findings from Yale-New Haven Hospital in a study by
Freedman et al.8 During 1930’s, Group A Streptococci were the predominant
organisms. In the 1950’s Staphylococci became a major cause of nursery outbreaks throughout the world.
Pseudomonas was also becoming more
prominent during that decade due to the introduction of respiratory support
systems. From the late 1950, until
present E.Coli and Group B Streptococcus have been important causes
of neonatal sepsis. Also, Group D
Streptococci and Klebsiella have been recently
observed in nurseries and account for a high proportion of antibiotic resistant
organisms that colonise and infect babies in neonatal intensive care units.9
Since 1980, Coagulase
Staphylococci collectively known as
Epidermis have
assumed considerable importance as troublesome nosocomial pathogens in the
neonatal intensive care units.10 This organism is seen more commonly
in premature infants who require prolonged hospitalization, total parentral
nutrition, Central vascular catheters and thoracostomy tubes. Infants infected
with coagulase negative Staphylococci have subtle signs of
septicemia and do not develop metastatic focal infection. Treatment of these
infections is also complicated by high frequency of penicillin and gentamicin
resistant strains, yet most strains remain sensitive to Vancomycin. In most
cases, removal of central venous catheter in conjunction with the administration
of high doses of penicillin and aminoglycoside is sufficient to sterilize the
bloodstream. Vancomycin should be
reserved for resistant cases. In analysis performed by Gray et al. in 1995, they
reported Coagulase negative Staphyloccous in 62% of first positive
blood cultures obtained after 48 hours of NICU stay.11 The results
from this study also demonstrated the increasing incidence of Coagulase negative
Staphylococcus from 9 (20%) cases in
1997-1998 as compared to 10 (35%) cases in 1999-2000. This was mainly due to the
policy of care of extreme preterm babies up to a birth weight of 750 gms who
needed prolonged hospitalization and this policy was implemented from the year
The analysis conducted at
the unit in khoula Hospital showed the changing pattern of organisms over the
years. With GBS accounting for 34% of positive blood cultures between 1997-1998,
the incidence fell to 17.8% between 1999-2000. This could be attributed to
better obstetric and neonatal co-ordination, early screening and treatment of
GBS positive mothers and prophylactic antibiotics in babies of mother with
suspected choroamnionitis and premature rupture of membranes. David et al. in an
Australian study for neonatal
infections analyzed the intrapartum use of antibiotics and early onset of
neonatal sepsis caused by Group B Streptococcus and found a steady fall in early
onset Group B
infections in Australia from 2 per 1000 in 1991 to 1.3 per 1000 in 1997.12
The findings from the Australian study suggest that it may be possible to reduce
the incidence of Early onset Group B Streptococcus infection below 0.6 per 1000 with the use of intrapartum
antibiotics alone and that this has the added advantage of reducing early onset
infections caused by other organisms.13
Group D Enterococcus constituted 9 (12.6%)
cases and the incidence was seen to be declining over the years between
1997-2000. However, the incidence of group D Enterococcus appears to have increased in many centers.14 Hence
the clinical pattern of the disease is remarkably similar to that seen with
group B
Streptococci by Alexander et al. who reported that with prompt and
appropriate antibiotic therapy, the prognosis appears to be good.15 Mortality was not encountered with
Group D
Enterococcus infections.15
Other organisms such as
Psuedomonas (7%), Acinetobacter (7%) and Klebisella (5.6%) did not constitute much of the
proportion of blood culture positive
MRSA has been a major
contributor to the nursery infections since 1980’s and MRSA outbreaks have been
reported with increasing frequency in neonatal intensive care units.16
The standard control measures includes contact isolation, hand washing with
chlorhexidine and detection of carriers. The population at risk for colonization
or infection are infants under 1500 gms with long standing catheters, Central
nervous shunts, thoracostomy tubes and those needing prolonged hospitalization.17
Only 1 (1.4%) case of MRSA blood
culture was recorded. This was mainly due to strict handwashing techniques,
barrier nursing and infection control policy in the unit.
The incidence of neonatal sepsis has increased among very low birth
weight and premature babies needing prolonged hospitalization.
The analysis over four a year period between 1997-2000 in the Special care baby
unit showed that there was a changing pattern of organisms. During the first two
years, the predominant organisms were Group B Streptococcus seen in 34% of
cases, whereas over the next two years their incidence decreased to 17.8%, which
is mainly attributed to increased awareness of GBS carrier mothers and use of
prophylactic intrapartum antibiotics and rapid screening and treatment of
babies. There was an increase in the incidence of Coagulase negative
Staphylococcus over the last 4 years with 20% of cases in first two years as
compared to 35 % over the next two years. This was mainly due to care of extreme
preterm infants needing prolonged hospitalization and invasive procedures. There
was no significant difference in the pattern of other organisms seen over the
last four years. Proper implementation of infection control policies in the unit
such as strict handwashing, restricting visitors, sterilization of equipments,
proper waste disposal, barrier nursing and staff education on infection control
methods had a definite impact on the reduction in the overall incidence of blood
borne sepsis.