From 1Department of Neonatal Unit, Child Health Department, Sultan Qaboos
University Hospital, 2Department of Pediatric Surgery, Royal Hospital, 3Department
of Pulmonology, Child Health Department, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital,
4Department of Child Health Department, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Oman.
Received: 15 Jan 2010
Accepted: 21 Feb 2010
Address of correspondence and reprint request to: Dr Lalitha Krishnan, Consultant,
Neonatal unit, Child Health Department, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat,
E-mail: lalitha_krishnan@hotmail.com
Al Mandhari H, et al. OMJ. 25, (2010); doi:10.5001/omj.2010.42
A male baby was born to a gravida 4, para 3 mother, at 34wks
gestation by emergency lower segment cesarean section. The baby
cried immediately after birth, but developed secondary apnea
requiring bagging with a mask for approximately 30 seconds. He
was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit with tachypnea
and recessions, for which he was started on 5 cm nasal continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP). The chest X-ray performed at 6
hrs of life was consistent with mild respiratory distress syndrome
(RDS). The baby showed clinical improvement over the next 36
hrs. At this time, the baby became more distressed and the FiO2
requirements increased. A repeat chest X-ray was performed,
which showed a large left pneumothorax, (Fig. 2). An intercostal
chest drainage (ICD) tube was inserted and nasal CPAP was
continued. The next day, in spite of a functioning ICD in situ, the
baby developed sudden desaturation and bradycardia, for which
he had to be intubated and ventilated. The baby was extubated
three times over the next 7 days and had to be re-intubated each
time, ventilated with chest tube re-insertion because of recurrent
Repeated chest X-rays performed during this period showed
multiple cystic radiolucencies in the left upper lobe, with
herniation and mediastinal shift to right, (Fig. 3). A CT chest scan
was performed, which showed multiple air-filled cysts localized in
the left upper lobe with collapse of the left lower lobe with typical
line and dot structures in air-filled cysts, (Fig. 4). Because of the
need for repeated intubation, chest drain insertion and mechanical
ventilation, surgery was then considered.
The baby underwent lobectomy of the left upper lobe which
showed multiple cysts on the surface of the lung, (Fig. 5). The
histopathology of the excised lobe showed several irregular
dilated interstitial spaces in the interlobular septae. High power
magnification showed foreign body giant cells lining these spaces,
the alveolar spaces were normal with areas of hemorrhage. Postoperatively,
the baby was extubated and the chest tube was
removed without any complications. The baby did well and was
discharged home by day 28 of life.
Pneumothorax and pulmonary interstitial emphysema (PIE) are
the most common causes of air leak syndromes in the newborn
period.1 During mechanical ventilation, barotrauma to the
alveoli produces rupture of the alveolar space at its junction
with less expandable fluid-rich perivascular connective tissue.
The air leaks into the perivascular sheath and dissects it, giving
rise to pulmonary interstitial emphysema, pneumothorax, and
pneumomediastinum.2 Pulmonary interstitial emphysema can
be classified clinically as acute (<7 days duration) or persistent
(PPIE). PPIE is subclassified as localized or diffuse, according
to the extent of involvement.3 Clinically, acute pulmonary
interstitial emphysema most commonly develops with hyaline
membrane disease. Less commonly, it could develop with
meconium aspiration (air trapped behind an obstruction) or
pulmonary hypoplasia, requiring high ventilatory pressure. This
typically lasts for a short duration. Localized PPIE however, often
occurs spontaneously with no apparent lung disease or assisted
ventilation. Pursnani et al. described PPIE in a term baby with
no previous history of mechanical ventilation, who presented
with tension pneumothorax.1 While Jabra et al. reported a case
of localized PPIE in a preterm infant who received nasal CPAP
at 4-6cm of water for management of RDS.3 This baby did well
initially and was in room air by day 13 of life, although his chest
X-rays began to show cystic lesions by day 3 of life. The lesions were
progressively increasing in size until the baby became symptomatic
by day 14, after which he was operated. Bas et al. also reported a
case of localized PPIE in a preterm infant who initially received
nasal CPAP for 3 days, and later presented at 24 days of life with
respiratory distress.4 The chest X-ray and CT chest scan showed
cystic lung lesions in the left upper lobe. Studies have suggested
that PPIE has typical chest X-ray and CT findings. On CT, PPIE
is associated with solid linear or dot-like structures within air
filled cysts, as was demonstrated in this report.3 This has been
considered to be a specific sign of PPIE, which was presented
in 82% of cases in one series.5 This occurs because of gas in the
pulmonary interstitial space surrounding the bronchovascular
bundles. The vessels appear as lines or dots depending on the
orientation of the vessel in relation to the plane of the CT image.
The other local lung lesions that have to be differentiated are
congenital cystadenomatoid malformation, congenital lobar
emphysema, bronchogenic cysts and cystic lymphangioma. This
is important because early definitive surgical treatment may have
to be planned for these conditions. Conservative management
for PPIE has been recommended, which includes high frequency
ventilation, selective intubation of contralateral bronchus and
decubitus positioning of the baby.4,5,6 In a series of 17 patients, all
were initially treated conservatively.5 Nine eventually underwent
surgical resection, indications for surgery included unmanageable
respiratory distress caused by mass effect or the increasing size of
lesions over a prolonged period in symptomatic patients. Among
the 10 patients who underwent nonsurgical treatment for at
least 1 year, lesions as well as symptoms resolved in four patients,
and lesions decreased in size in three patients whose symptoms
resolved. Lesions enlarged in three patients, two eventually
underwent resection, and the third patient was treated without
surgery because the patient?s symptoms were stable and the lesions
were bilateral. In this study, surgery was planned because there
was recurrent tension pneumothorax requiring ICD.
In conclusion, PPIE is a rare condition and may be seen in preterms
who receive no ventilatory support or were managed only with nasal
CPAP for RDS. The condition exhibits typical chest CT findings
which help in differentiating it from other lung conditions such
as congenital lobar emphysema or congenital cystadenomatoid
malformation which requires urgent surgery. There is good scope
for conservative management although eventually, approximately
half the patients end up requiring surgical resection.
Pursnani SK, Amodio JB, Guo H, Greco MA, Nadler EP. Localized
persistent interstitial pulmonary emphysema presenting as a spontaneous
tension pneumothorax in a full term infant. Pediatr Surg Int. 2006;
22(7):613- 616.
Oh MH, Kim MY, Shim WS, Oh SS, Shin BK, Cho SJ, et al. A case of
localized persistent interstitial pulmonary emphysema. J Korean Med Sci.
2001; 16(2):225-228.
Jabra AA, Fishman EK, Shehata BM, Perlman EJ. Localized persistent
pulmonary interstitial emphysema: CT findings with radiographicpathologic
correlation. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1997; 169(5):1381-1384.
Bas AY, Okumus N, Demirel N, Zenciroglu A. Persistent pulmonary
interstitial emphysema in a preterm infant. Indian Pediatr. 2008; 45(9):775-
Donnelly LF, Lucaya J, Ozelame V, Frush DP, Strouse PJ, Sumner TE, et
al. CT findings and temporal course of persistent pulmonary interstitial
emphysema in neonates: a multiinstitutional study. AJR Am J Roentgenol.
2003; 180(4):1129-1133.
Cohen RS, Smith DW, Stevenson DK, Moskowitz PS, Graham CB. Lateral
decubitus position as therapy for persistent focal pulmonary interstitial
emphysema in neonates: a preliminary report. J Pediatr. 1984; 104(3):441-